Mesh Executive Ergonomic office Chair
Buy this unique Mesh Executive Ergonomic office Chair . just like every other product we offer, this executive chair specifically aims at Creating comfort in the workplace. besides function, it's also a uniquely designed piece of furniture.
Get the highest level of comfort & durability without compromising on style. All our chairs are produced to international standards utilizing the highest quality of raw materials, the latest technology, and skilled manpower. we however have Over 80 models of chairs available to suit the diverse needs of our customers.
some features of mark alder Mesh Executive Ergonomic Office Chair include;
- Unique spine alignment and lumbar support adjustable feature
- full Height adjustment
- Large comfortable Headrest
- Attractive chrome edges and linear back
- breathable mesh fabric
- adjustable armrests and headrests
- practical coat hanger
- resistant to damage
this is specifically an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SERIES; that's why it has an adjustable headrest and height Comfortable and stylish .buy here too search for ergonomic office chairs.